Show me yours?

This weeks goals are going to be slightly abbreviated as I’ll be traveling to Portland from Wednesday 11th- Wednesday 18th for my 10 year high school reunion! It’s absolutely crazy how quickly the time has flown by since I was at Wilsonville High school.

I can still remember sitting in Mr. Meuse class eating spiked French eclairs and repeating “Je suis Americaine” while passing HAND WRITTEN NOTES to my girl friends about the boys we were crushing on. That’s right, I have just fully dated myself by first admitting I’m old enough to have a 10 year high school reunion, and secondly, admitting we did not text message in highschool. I don’t even think I got my first cell phone until my Freshman year of college!!! Whew. That feels good to get off my chest.

As I will be traveling until next Wednesday, my posts may be sparce, but I look forward to getting back to you all next week. Until then, here are a few photos from my weekend away in Santa Barbara…enjoy! xxxo

About Caley Alyssa

As a D-1 collegiate athlete with a background in nutrition and anatomy, and an internship with a naturopathic center for healing, I found myself wanting to help people achieve healthier, happier lives. I quickly came to realize that I wanted to work with preventative therapeutic methods promoting active, energetic lifestyles rather then focusing on treatment centered around prescription drugs and the increasingly paramount “band-aid” mindset. In 2006, I moved to San Francisco and began to study yoga completing a 200 hour training with Yoga Tree. From there I've studied with Shiva Rea and obtained a certification to work with children and at risk youth. In 2010, my quest to bring health and happiness to others lead me to enroll with the Institute of Integrative Nutrition in New York to become a holistic health coach. Currently, I live in LA and am training with Dharma Mittra to obtain my 500 hour yoga certification. I love to share my lifelong journey of finding balance, wellness and happiness in all aspects of life!
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